jueves, 22 de enero de 2015

The criticism of graffiti

If you stop to watch the walls of your city, you will see many graffitis. A lot of them would be critical with the society or with other things.
The art with spray, many times, want to show to other people the discontent they have.
The best example of this discontent is Banksy. You can see his art on the walls of London.


This is the art of Banksy.

But there are many other artist who want to express his discontent in walls.

The art of graffiti in Spain

One of our favourite artist is Belin, he is from Linares, Spain. Belin is one of the 5 best graffiti artist in Europe with sponsor. "Montana" patrocined him.
He started to paint with 12 years old. His style is the hyper realism, wildstyles and model pastel.

These are two paintings very famous of Belin.

He paint with spray in walls and in others surfaces. He has painted in many places, and also in other countries, for example in:


lunes, 19 de enero de 2015

The graffiti: Street art or crime?

Many people thinks graffiti is vandalism, other people thinks that the graffiti is a art. What we think about that? Well, we think the graffiti is a art. But first, you have to know what is art.
There are several ways you could go about art, but we think art is the way where you can express your feelings.
So graffiti is art?

 This two pieces are created by the famous Banksy. Banksy show his feelings about the society.


Then you can see the graffiti is art because many artist express their feeling with a spray instead of with a pencil or with a brush.

The spray paint art

The spray paint art is also the art where you use a spray, but this time in a paper. Many pieces are like the universe with planets and stars.
You can see this art in the street, where the artist sell their pieces.

Here you can see a video of a artist doing his piece.
It is very interesting to see how people can control this type of paint.
But this art don´t have to be always planets and stars, it can be beaches, people and other many awesome things.

jueves, 15 de enero de 2015

The art of the graffiti

The graffiti is the art where you use a spray. You can paint with the spray in many surface, one of the most surface painted are the walls, but you can also paint in a paper, in clothes, in a canvas etc...
In our opinion the best graffiti art are in walls because you can use many space to develop your art.

Also the spray paint art which is used a spray in paper is very awesome. In it you can use a template to create figures.